Celia M. Gagliardi, PhD

Post-doctoral Scholar

Celia is a post-doctoral scholar that studies the neural mechanisms of spatial reorientation in mice. She is interested in understanding the mechanisms and brain representations that allow navigators to regain their bearings and the circuits that mediate reorientation strategies.

Celia has accepted a post-doctoral position with David Reddish.

Selected Publications

  • Gagliardi, C.M., Normandin, M.E., Keinath, A.T. et al. Distinct neural mechanisms for heading retrieval and context recognition in the hippocampus during spatial reorientation. Nat Commun 15, 5968 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-50112-7

  • Yuan RK, Lopez MR, Ramos-Alvarez MM, Normandin ME, Thomas AS, Uygun DS, Cerda VR, Grenier AE, Wood MT, Gagliardi CM, Guajardo H, Muzzio IA. Differential effect of sleep deprivation on place cell representations, sleep architecture, and memory in young and old mice. Cell Rep. 2021 Jun 15;35(11):109234. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109234. PMID: 34133936; PMCID: PMC8545463.
  • Vasquez JH, Leong KC, Gagliardi CM, Harland B, Apicella AJ, Muzzio IA. Pathway specific activation of ventral hippocampal cells projecting to the prelimbic cortex diminishes fear renewal. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2019 May;161:63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2019.03.003. Epub 2019 Mar 18. PMID: 30898692; PMCID: PMC6736601.
  • Wu, C. C., Cao, B., Dali, V., Gagliardi, C., Barthelemy, O. J., Salazar, R. D., . . . Yazdanbakhsh, A. (2018). Eye movement control during visual pursuit in Parkinson's disease. PeerJ, 6, e5442. doi:10.7717/peerj.5442
  • Kroeger, D., Absi, G., Gagliardi, C., Bandaru, S. S., Madara, J. C., Ferrari, L. L., . . . Vetrivelan, R. (2018). Galanin neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic area promote sleep and heat loss in mice. Nat Commun, 9(1), 4129. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06590-7
Research areas
  • Neural Mechanisms of Navigation
  • Learning and Memory
  • Computational Neuroscience
Celia Gagliardi
PhD Neuroscience, University of Texas at San Antonio

MS Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio
BA Neuroscience & Psychology, Boston University
Contact Information